A message was delivered Monday by a Pretoria Foreign Ministry official on a rare visit to Harare, the Zimbabwean capital.
Mengistu was reported to have arrived in Harare, the Zimbabwean capital, late on May 21, and on May 23 was granted asylum there.
Mr. Makoti, who was head of publicity and information before he fell ill some months ago, is to be buried in the Zimbabwean capital on Saturday, the congress announced.
In addition, the Zimbabwean capital of Harare, a province unto itself, lies entirely in Mashonaland.
Joshua Nkomo, the once-fiery African nationalist and guerrilla leader who was father to Zimbabwe's struggle for independence, died today in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare.
He was 32 years old and lived in Harare, the Zimbabwean capital.
By some accounts, the group stopped in Harare, the Zimbabwean capital, to buy weapons from the state-owned Zimbabwe Defense Industries.
All other involved foreign governments agreed in December in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare, and reconfirmed last week that they would pull back to staging areas for withdrawal.
Without the assent of all of the rebel groups, however, it is unclear how effective the long-sought agreement, which was signed in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare, will be.