Zimbabwean officials said deportees would be safe.
The matter of his nationality was a matter of dispute with some Zimbabwean officials towards the end of 2006.
As for the economic links, Zimbabwean officials insist that their business ventures in Congo have yet to bear much fruit.
It means Zimbabwean officials will be barred from meetings held by the Commonwealth, an organization that carries some cachet as an important club bridging the north-south divide.
Zimbabwean officials were unrepentant and cast the assaults on the protesters as necessary to prevent attacks on the police and more political mayhem.
Zimbabwean officials have openly said that they are seeking mineral concessions to finance the military presence in Congo.
Zimbabwean officials said today that they would flout a worldwide ban if it was passed by the necessary two-thirds of the 103 countries gathered here.
He and his wife are also on the sanction list for those Zimbabwean officials not allowed to enter EU and the United States.
He has awarded custody of the child to the State Department, which wants to turn him over to Zimbabwean officials for his return home.
But Justice Blackmun's ruling Friday did not specifically bar the State Department from turning the boy over to Zimbabwean officials.