The Zuni Mountains sit on the Continental Divide and form part of the southern edge of the Colorado Plateau.
The main reservation is also surrounded by the Painted Cliffs, the Zuni Mountains and the Cibola National Forest.
Timber from the Zuni Mountains was shipped to Albuquerque where a large sawmill converted the timber to wood products that were sold around the west.
As we swung south, the Zuni Mountains ran along to our left, on the edge of the Continental Divide.
"We're bound for the Zuni Mountains," he said.
Balawahdiwa and I are off in the Zuni Mountains.
The darting sleet thickened as the highway climbed up and into the Zuni Mountains.
Flying the Zuni Mountains (Forest Woods Media Productions, 1994)
For decades the Zuni Mountains were considered the most plausible location of the diggings.
Eventually the obsession with the Zuni Mountains as a host for the Adams diggings faded.