The killings might inhibit the police from enforcing law and order as South Africa abandons apartheid and embarks on an uncertain transition to majority rule.
These sanctions ended when South Africa abandoned apartheid in 1994.
A post-modern blend of fiction, poetry, and reportage it explores the surprising and predictable changes that South Africans have made since abandoning apartheid.
The South African police, who are confronting their own transition as the country abandons apartheid, have received some blunt advice from New York City's top policeman.
These meetings did not lead him to change his mind about the need for penalties to force South Africa to abandon apartheid.
It would be foolish to pretend that South Africa has yet taken all the steps needed to abandon apartheid and embrace political and human rights.
She attempted to preserve trade with South Africa while persuading the regime there to abandon apartheid.
Mr. de Klerk has identified the political reward he expects for leading his National Party to abandon apartheid.
The Soviet Union collapsed, and South Africa abandoned apartheid.
Leaders of the African National Congress have vowed in recent interviews to escalate their struggle in a bid to persuade whites to abandon apartheid.