So it is very easy for someone who was born Jewish to abandon Jewish traditions and customs in adulthood, absent a conscious choice to 'stay' Jewish.
Supporters of this change intended the measure as a temporary solution, as a general belief existed that Māori would soon abandon traditional customs governing land-ownership.
Also prohibited were "medicine men" who "use any of the arts of the conjurer to prevent the Indians from abandoning their heathenish rites and customs."
He imposed a program of forced Hellenization, requiring Jews to abandon their own laws and customs, thus precipitating the Maccabean Revolt.
During the 1970s, the bulk of the community abandoned Islamic customs, and embraced Hinduism.
We could hardly expect that the pagans who embraced Christianity could altogether abandon their former creeds and customs.
The Maoist guerrillas have long fought to control Peru's forest people, trying to force them to abandon their language, customs and political autonomy.
Lutherans urged Danes to abandon their Catholic beliefs, customs, and institutions in favor of those of the Lutheran movement.
Indians and native Inuit, all anxious for their share of the wealth, flocked to the cities, abandoning their homelands and customs.
As queen of Denmark, Adela was not popular, but criticized for influenting her spouse to abandon Danish customs in favour of German ones.