After independence, the government of Bangladesh restarted works abandoned by the previous contractors and consultants during the war.
The village was abandoned during the 1914-1918 war and only a handful of residents returned at the end of the war.
Price is compelled to describe how he fled and abandoned his unit during the war, condemning all of them to death in the jungles.
Some villages in England were also abandoned during the war, but for different reasons.
Iraqi doctors abandoned the center during the war.
There had been a Vietnamese pagoda, which had been abandoned during the war.
"I heard she abandoned this world during the war with Father Chaos."
Schiller abandoned his wife during the war and took away their son.
Giant caches of arms, abandoned during the war, then presumably looted, are turning up in markets like these.
Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and other members abandoned all production restraints during the war to stop prices from getting out of control.