Each time, Atrahasis asks the population to abandon worship of all gods, except the one responsible for the calamity, and this seems to shame them into relenting.
Britain abandoned its last light rail system except Blackpool by 1962.
This position, however, they soon abandoned as untenable, except one or two of them who remained there, dead or wounded.
"If the cult attacked one of the other dens in the hexagon, then they would abandon all the rest except one."
Bentham abandoned all of Meissner's infrageneric taxa except Brown's D. sect.
We're abandoning all our ships except the ones with ramscoop and coldsleep capability.
She abandoned the use of all her predecessors' titles except her title as Denmark's Queen, which is the royal style today.
The committee should encourage Congress to abandon all sections of the act except those that strengthen the United Nations sanctions.
Newspaper and magazine publishers joined the book business in protests, which resulted in the government abandoning the planned increase - on everything except paper for books.
During this period, he fully re-embraced his roots as a blues artist and abandoned any arrangements except straight 12-bar guitar, bass, drums, and piano.