The temperature greatly affects their moving rates and their ability to range their home turf.
In the virtual world, the avatar's abilities ranges from ordinary walking to flying.
Knowles' vocal abilities range between A-E throughout the song.
These abilities range from combat abilities to extensive knowledge abilities.
Their ability to recognize words ranged from kindergarten level ("big, did, funny") to fifth grade ("bracket, shred, yonder").
These abilities range from what type of weapons they can use to what kind of spells they can learn.
The abilities of these nanomachines range from medical purposes for curing ailments and modifying the taste of food.
Both subspecies seem to have same ability and tendency to produce human speech, but vocal ability and proclivity may range widely among individual birds.
The ability to lay traps and also to aim and throw ranged weapons was added to the combat system.
Aladdin's abilities range from sword fighting to jumping to stomping.