J. C. Hoyt's potentially elegant Duke is all too often reduced to pointless buffoonery, and Christopher Martin, one of the company's ablest members, is an excessive Pompey.
He was re-elected in 1914, 1916 and 1918, one of the ablest members of the Ohio delegation during the First World War period.
The ablest members of Tiulpanov's staff were Germanophone Russian Jews, but they were sent back to the Soviet Union once Stalin's "anticosmopolitanism" witch hunt began.
They beat both Speaker Tom Foley and Jack Brooks, two of the ablest members of Congress, who had warned me this would happen.
In a 1960 poll of fifty journalists conducted by Newsweek magazine, Cooper was named the ablest Republican member of the Senate.
When he assumed office, Diefenbaker felt compelled to place his former adversaries in the cabinet, because they happened to be, by quite a wide margin, the ablest members of his party.
In referring to the professional side of his life, one of the oldest and ablest members of the Pickaway Ccounty bar has this to say of Judge Walters:
Foot was considered by brother Michael as the best orator and the "ablest member of the family".
Horace Walpole said Elliot was "one of the ablest members of the House of Commons".
Richard Beattie, one of the ablest members, resigns to make way for Mr. Koch's Hispanic appointee.