As our President has so ably demonstrated, we can never afford to tell the truth about love.
Do we perhaps begin to see here the early beginnings of a judicial mind, so ably demonstrated at these hearings?
Thanks for so ably demonstrating the ideological blinkers of the left.
Because they aren't true now, and weren't true historically, as another poster ably demonstrated.
Ed ably demonstrates the irrelevance of f front bench politics.
The sample game below ably demonstrates her alertness to tactical possibilities.
And the closing sequences ably demonstrate how it's possible to present strong violence without any blood being shed onscreen.
With more than 6,000 configurations possible there's plenty of potential for unwise decisions, a point ably demonstrated by our orange and white 120d test car.
Control is what the Wright brothers so ably and singularly demonstrated between 1903 and 1906.