"Making Tracks," ably directed by Lenny Leibowitz, continues at the Taipei Theater through Feb. 14.
She became the head of her own company, during which time she was directed ably by Wilfred Lucas.
Ably directed by Bruce Merrill, the production offers amusing slapstick and an opportunity for young theatergoers to help give Bad a taste of his own medicine.
This production, ably directed by Frederick De Feis, is especially effective in the confining space of the Arena Theater.
And it's the skill and energy of these 18 performers - ably directed by Wendy McClellan - that are the best part of the show.
Nonetheless, the production, ably directed by Burt Kennedy, does move briskly.
Though her career is mainly on television and in film, Ms. Lowery proves masterful in this role, ably directed by Brian Shnipper.
"Preaching to the Perverted," ably directed by Lois Weaver at Performance Space 122 in the East Village, continues through May 21.
The operation, ably directed by Cyrus Harding, was a complete success.
The cast, ably directed by Frederic De Feis, is quite good.