This type of deformity is characterised by varying amounts of abnormal bone on the anterior and superior femoral neck at the head-neck junction (see fig. 6).
But an abnormal bone scan can create as many questions as it answers.
Areas of abnormal bone collect a lot of the radioactive substance and show up as "hot spots" on the picture.
But a number of diseases can cause an abnormal bone scan.
It is also used to treat a certain type of bone disease (Paget's disease) that causes abnormal and weak bones.
Conductive hearing loss is usually secondary to impingement of abnormal bone on the stapes footplate.
Disruption of these pathways leads to abnormal bone and cartilage formation causing Acrania and multiple other craniofacial patterning problems.
Claire Baines, 11, has spent almost her entire life with one leg in plaster because of a fracture in abnormal bone.
However, Menkes disease patients retain abnormal bone and connective-tissue disorders and show mild to severe mental retardation.
A bone scan may be done first to help determine the location of an abnormal bone in complex bone structures such as the foot or spine.