It can also be used to follow the reaction of patients to treatment by noticing the frequency and extent of these abnormal patterns.
Look this part over for any abnormal patterns that might indicate someone other than you has been applying for credit in your name.
When secure attachment is disrupted and starts to become insecure, abnormal patterns begin, increasing risk for depression.
Children experiencing neglect often suffer from malnutrition, which causes abnormal patterns for development.
An abnormal pattern of blood vessels that may be a sign of a tumor.
What you need to look for as you ride is abnormal patterns, things that are orderly in a way that Nature isn't when left alone.
These abnormal patterns may correlate to areas where there are uncontrolled waste sites.
Once a normal pattern has been established, it is easier to say more about sites with abnormal patterns than those conforming to the normal one.
The melanocytes left behind in the wound regrows in an abnormal pattern.
But in dysplasia, abnormal patterns of blood vessels occur, producing what is called "punctuation."