Of 58,700 people tested by the company since 1990, 263 were initially declined because of abnormal readings.
"Did you get any abnormal readings today?"
The events can be regular reports, or reports triggered by abnormal readings that merit an alarm.
The dual-route hypothesis of reading has helped researchers explain and understand various facts about normal and abnormal reading.
Those with abnormal readings might then be fitted with monitors to detect the presence of silent ischemia.
The apparently abnormal readings from one of them indicated the body in question was Worf.
Still, he couldn't shake the most basic question he had about Jim's abnormal reading: What the devil is causing that?
He located the sensor that was giving the abnormal reading.
Cambridge Heart points out that the test also has a track record of identifying patients with abnormal T-wave readings.
If the abnormal readings continue and other tests verify distress, then we may have to do the surgery in a hurry.