It is only as we age, or under conditions of abnormal stress, that reactive radicals escape the bounds of disciplined performance and begin nicking the cells to pieces.
Another innovation on the 1929 model was the strengthened front fork, originally designed to cope with the abnormal stresses of sidecar racing.
These abnormalities cause abnormal stress on a joint or many joints, meaning that the joints can wear out, leading to osteoarthritis.
Ball bearings provide robust support for a heavy object to rotate smoothly and reliably even under abnormal stress, such as if the watch were dropped.
A federal road administration representative linked the accident to abnormal stress from heavy military vehicles.
Ó is used in the Spanish language to denote an 'o' syllable with abnormal stress.
Tearing a ligament or meniscus makes the joint unstable, creating abnormal stresses on cartilage during movement.
Some patients may have convulsions and skeletal deformation, such as scoliosis, resulting from abnormal muscular stress on bones.
It's used to denote an "i" syllable with abnormal stress.
It is generally used to denote an "a" syllable with abnormal stress.