Sweden abolished most tariffs and other barriers to free trade in the 1850s and joined the gold standard in 1873.
(Europe abolished most tariffs and other trade restrictions six years ago.)
He succeeded in getting the Swedish parliament to gradually abolish tariffs and reduce customs duties.
We have abolished tariffs within the single market and the level of tariffs outside the Community is on average, 4 or 5 per cent.
He also abolished tariffs, duty on the postage of newspapers and tonnage dues at Newcastle, Wollongong and Kiama.
Clinton Administration officials expect two major meetings in the next month to set the stage for a global agreement abolishing tariffs on computer and software products.
In January of 1992, Colombia and Venezuela abolished bilateral tariffs.
In addition, there was a dispute with Russia, known as the Bering Sea controversy, and an agreement with Spain abolishing certain tariffs.
By abolishing protective tariffs and subsidies many developing countries have become extremely vulnerable to heavy fluctuations in food and raw material prices.
He proposed opening markets to developing countries by abolishing quotas and tariffs and allocating fresh resources for education.