Her staunch abolitionist views contributed to the ongoing national controversy.
Another source of criticism by the Liberals involved Pedro I's abolitionist views.
As Birney had yet to fully develop his abolitionist views, he accepted them kindly.
In mid-1859, the Wyandotte Constitution was drafted; this document represented the prevailing abolitionist view.
For the proponents of the abolitionist view, prostitution is always a coercive practice, and the prostitute is seen as a victim.
He left Virginia in 1857 because he was threatened for his abolitionist views.
Switching parties (partially due to his abolitionist views), he was elected as a Republican to Congress for two terms (1857-61).
The North Star served as a forum for abolitionist views.
For all that On-in professed abolitionist views, he had no real desire to change the status quo.
After deciding to become a teacher, he moved to the South, but found himself unpopular due to his strong abolitionist views.