The account of the aborted attack came from a suspect being questioned by Yemeni authorities, who have shared the information with American investigators, the officials said.
The aborted attacks did not disrupt daily life here.
Phantoms had carried out the aborted attack on the chopper team's encampment and now the skies above the Canal were positively lousy with them.
Three other suspects in the aborted attacks are being held at the Belmarsh high-security prison in London.
He would not-could not-surrender that completelyour So if anything, the aborted attack only made his ramblings bolder and more frequent.
Another official said he was "intimately intertwined" with the aborted attack on the embassy in Singapore.
There have also been some aborted attacks in Kigali itself.
There was an aborted attack on the fort by Colonel Marinus Willet in 1783.
She participated in several aborted attacks on Mexican ports, before running aground on 28 July off the coast of Alvarado.
Next, the team attempted an aborted attack on a military base.