Egyptian authorities said that if a meeting took place they did not expect the issue of the aborted plot to be on the agenda.
In addition to the two aborted plots in the Middle East, American officials said they have also prevented Iraqi efforts to mount terrorist attacks in several other countries, but they declined to provide details.
The three others were convicted with Mr. Yousef, one in the 1993 Trade Center bombing and two in an aborted plot to blow up American airliners in the Far East.
He is the third defendant to testify in the trial, in which 10 men are charged with pursuing aborted plots to bomb sites like the United Nations headquarters and the Lincoln and Holland tunnels.
As a result of the bioterrorism investigation, law enforcement officials discovered that there had been an aborted plot by Rajneeshees to murder Charles Turner, a former United States Attorney for Oregon.
Mrs. Niemoller's father and two of her cousins were tortured and executed for their roles in an aborted plot to kill Hitler.
Among the four Algerians charged in the aborted plot, Mr. Haouari now stands alone.
The prosecution says that the intended targets of the aborted plots included the United Nations headquarters and the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels.
On June 9, 2011 jury convicted him of supporting terrorism by providing material support to Lashkar-e-Taiba and planning an aborted plot to bomb a Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten.
Prosecutors say that the conspiracy included aborted plots in 1993 to blow up the United Nations headquarters and the Lincoln and Holland tunnels.