At several abortion protests, he was charged with trespassing or resisting arrest, according to news accounts.
They were very busy ridding themselves of hang-ups, making batiks and going to abortion protests.
"I'm quite disappointed," said James Foley, a retired insurance underwriter who has been active in abortion protests for more than 20 years.
A18 The Supreme Court queried the Government on abortion protests.
As early as last year, Operation Rescue had vowed to use the Democratic convention as a national forum for abortion protests.
Patients with RU-486 prescriptions would no longer need to travel to clinics that are targets of abortion protests.
For one thing, the laws governing abortion protests have changed.
Investigators said they were looking into the possibility that the fetus was linked to recent abortion protests.
Many have sour memories of his early take-no-prisoners abortion protests in Binghamton in the 1980's.
In 1991, it was one of three clinics in Wichita that became the sites of extensive abortion protests in which more than 2,700 people were arrested.