Families need to know how high their taxes will be before they make decisions about large expenditures.
Learn more about state agency revenues, expenditures, contracting, human resources and other information.
Insurers are required to reveal details about administrative and executive expenditures.
Because this brief explanation does not cover all you need to know about independent expenditures, contact the Commission for more information.
This is done in part so that human members of the family don't start grumbling about expenditures for dogs or cats.
You're talking about major expenditures and disruptions without knowing for certain what brought down this aircraft.
Information about certain expenditures for all official foreign travel by representatives and staff.
All that it provided, he said, were "some general suggestions of states in which questions had been raised about expenditures of funds on education."
Though no airline spokesperson would be specific about current expenditures, given the recent cuts it's safe to assume that the figure is now lower.
I demanded, as if an investment bank had any reason to worry about efficiency and expenditures.