The first study consisted of an open-ended questionnaire that asked participants about instances in which they used strategic self-anticonformity.
Will's detractors complain about instances when Will has blurred the line between independent journalist and political advocate.
The reluctance youth have in telling an authority figure about instances of cyberbullying has led to fatal outcomes.
My pending application got me thinking about great instances of meh in literature.
We asked Rogers for additional information about the subscriber notification system and other potential instances of content manipulation.
He declined to answer reporters' questions about instances of specific fraud in state politics.
We have had other uncorroborated information about other instances of abatements.
A city wiki contains information about specific instances of things, ideas, people and places.
But in reading about it my curiosity was also aroused about other instances of such extra-judicial activity.
This only makes it increasingly difficult to raise concern about genuine instances of antisemitism and to develop effective means to prevent them.