Since the conversation was now verging on the indelicate, I changed the subject, asked him about certain landmarks of my youth.
A database is also available, providing extra historical information about key landmarks, characters and services that the player encounters.
Learn about the major cities, landmarks and geographical features in the state known as the Lone Star state.
To learn more about other landmarks and Greek history, see:
To learn more about other landmarks and vacation destinations, see:
When asked about certain landmarks in the piano literature, he would say: "Oh, no, I shall never touch them.
This track was even played on a CBC program about gigantic landmarks.
The government, forever patriotic about landmarks, would not bulldoze the old bank building even after it was deemed unusable.
He knew it so well that he told me about landmarks which no longer even existed.
He dispenses information about historic landmarks, often embellishing his account with personal observations.