The department still plans to have about 600 officers on hand for the game.
There are about 38,000 officers now, and that will increase to 39,200 after July 1.
About 4,000 officers were assigned last year, the police said.
If they were at full strength, this would be about 8,700 officers and men.
In 2009, it had about 30000 police officers, more than three times the size of the next largest force.
Last year, when the department had about 31,000 officers, 141 were arrested, up 48 from 1993.
The city now has about 1,250 officers, a police spokeswoman said.
The police department expanded from about 10 officers in the 1930s to 40 by 1950.
The combined force would have about 38,000 officers and 8,000 civilians.
Iraq needs about 65,000 police officers, but American officials have been able to recruit and train only 25,000 so far.