Last summer I had a bride-to-be call about reservations at my place.
They hear from one couple about "reservations" being made in advance for a condominium that faces the lake.
For information about the cultural year and reservations, call Luxembourg 95 at 22.19.95, fax 22.20.00.
Inquiries about reservations are being accepted at (212) 823-6338. offers a single point of access to information about federal recreational activities and reservations.
For information about the events and reservations, call Janet Deutsch at 212-675-4984.
The Magnus charges about $24 a person, and reservations can be made through the hostel association.
Are you talking about reservations the government has set up?
Senator Dole has not been specific about the conditions or reservations he would seek in the treaty.
In the Senate, liberals were increasingly vocal about fears and reservations.