His head was still above the level of the ground.
He kept his eyes above the level of their hands.
There was one way of getting above ground level, though.
It was still a bit above the 1989 level of 85.
They remain 4 percent above levels of the 1987 period.
The action takes place well above the level of reality.
I knew we must now be above the level of the valley.
Why shouldn't they try to rise above the common level?
The station is three to four stories above street level.
It is just high enough to get him above sea level.
The root system of the bottom level of willows needs to develop large enough to support the willows on the above levels.
The above levels of Idemnite are those quoted in the Auvergne; precise figures can vary between Regions.
According to the above levels and reduction we see three level of logic which are only levels of a continuously vertical-horizontal, hierarchic and integrated logic.
To really understand how the above levels interrelate, let's consider Intel's product line.
These are sources which, on average, do not fall into the above two levels.
The Overseas Study (D-2) visa is issued to foreigner who are planning to study at the undergraduate or above level of school.
College Student Personnel (CSP) is an academic study area offered at the master's and above level at several universities.
In fact, attention has been paid at different times, and in different initiatives, to developing financial information appropriate to each of the above levels of analysis.
Nobody pays sufficient attention to those who are not of average and above levels of ability and/or attainment - they are the really pressing problem.
Notwithstanding the above, and given the great difficulties the fisheries sector is experiencing at European level, this document deserves my vote in favour.