He pleased her and added above his name the lines: O mon amante!
He wrote it right above your name.
While "1842" can be seen clearly above the building's name above the front doors, the museum itself did not open until July 31, 1844.
Some of the cards depicted a championship belt above the athlete's name indicating their weight class and year(s) they held the title.
I'm going to have that carved above my name, I have a place in Jersey ready for it.
Select shortcut, and a new icon with a small black arrow above the item's name will appear on your desktop.
In another, they penciled in "B" above each boy's name.
"Ralph left enough room," he was told, "for you to sign above his name."
Four spaces above his own name, he saw another entry that electrified him.
Above his given name he wrote in tiny script, Your loving son.