She has even gone hiking in the forests above the 48th parallel without firearms, for days at a time.
The intervention by some 15,000 Western troops and the establishment of a security zone above the 36th parallel brought the Kurds back to the north.
By contrast, the petitions, and the sales figures, show just how popular Wal-Mart has become above the 49th parallel.
Exploration continued at a steady pace and by 1995 there were over 1,900 wells above the 60th parallel.
The northern zone, above the 36th parallel, was intended to protect Iraqi Kurds.
Derby Line was founded based on that line, above the 45th parallel.
This week, Ahead, a new column, focuses on the summer solstice, cause for a 24-hour party above the 60th parallel.
The 31st Infantry played a major role in stopping Chinese troops, and pushing them back above the 38th parallel.
It included everything above the 36th parallel and was subject to sketchy monitoring by allied officers.
Sulaimaniya is south of the zone once occupied by the allied forces, which fell above the 36th parallel.