In contrast to the men, female arrivals from Mexico still have above-average levels of education for their gender.
"Dark Angel" carries the kind of credits that insure an above-average level of competence.
For four years prices were frozen-at above-average levels--but so was competition, which is supposed to increase in a deregulated market.
The Riverside area is referred to as a "smog belt" because of its above-average level of air pollution.
Sold: it's been a while since house sales were running at above-average levels.
Sinai continues to produce high level test results, and the majority of students achieve above-average levels in SATs.
On a major freeway near the site, some 40 cars registered low, but above-average, levels of radioactivity.
Over all, about 17 percent of the children had above-average levels of problem behavior like disobedience and overassertiveness.