The displaced material forms ridges adjacent to grooves, which may be removed by subsequent passage of abrasive particles.
For example bearings in the conveyor of a rock crusher are exposed continually to hard abrasive particles.
The hammering of the abrasive particles on the work surface by the tool.
The impact of the free abrasive particles on the work surface.
Suspended in the ice, just below the surface, Brachvogel could see a thick layer of abrasive particles as fine as dust.
True the wheel by knocking abrasive particles from the wheel's surface and making the wheel concentric.
Dislodge these same abrasive particles, which also has the effect of exposing fresh abrasive from the wheel's surface.
As the surface roughness decreases smaller abrasive particles are necessary to continue material removal.
Theoretically, this categorizes abrasive particles according to the number of openings per inch in a screen through which they can pass.
The wheels are metal disks embedded with abrasive particles.