He felt the abrupt cut to black pulled the viewer out of the film too quickly, and that it left no room for emotional reflection.
The transitional period was implemented in part because Komi-Permyak Okrug relies heavily on federal subsidies, and an abrupt cut would have been detrimental to its economy.
She felt it through the sand strange that sand would carry vibrations so well and then there was an abrupt cut off to it.
When films are shown before those hours there is a danger that the viewer might be confused by abrupt cuts and bleeps.
Continuity had to take place through abrupt cuts.
The director refused to accept the censor decision, as it would destroy the film with the abrupt cuts and sound mutes.
It seemed that the abrupt cuts happened only on machines that had been in use for a long time and had never been rebooted.
The first day of January 1911 was designated as the birthday of the Republic of China and marked an abrupt cut from the oppressive past.
There was an abrupt cut, then Lorna, naked, was lying on a divan, her legs spread.
Mr. Trueba also resorts to fade-outs or abrupt cuts whenever his scenes have no distinct endings.