To judge from the abrupt fashion in which our conversation came to an end, I imagine that the hint has been taken.
"Inegban* is a real city," Esetta* said, in the abrupt, breathless fashion that all the males used.
Within a year the President walked out in typically abrupt fashion, to the relief of his subjects.
Young man, if you ever leave me again in that abrupt fashion, I'll tan your bottom!
"Let me speak, inspector," insisted the tall man, in abrupt fashion.
Movements proceeded in an abrupt, jagged fashion, yet no one appeared to get anywhere.
His confidant, seeing that he was expected to break the silence, did so in this abrupt fashion: "Well, my lord, of what are you thinking?"
The sun sets in its usual abrupt, spectacular fashion, and it's not until then that they begin to get worried.
It has also been argued that Clovis ended in a very abrupt fashion.
Blunt left the others in his abrupt fashion and came over to us.