On Thursday, Judge Lance A. Ito abruptly adjourned the proceedings as jurors seemed to be overwhelmed after hours of viewing the photographs.
After he abruptly adjourned the committee, the Vice-Chair took over and the meeting resumed after he and three of the four other Conservative members had left.
Thobicus abruptly adjourned the meeting then and retired to his private quarters.
After a discussion, he returned to the bench and, without explanation, abruptly adjourned the hearing.
October 4, 2010 The House of Representatives adjourned abruptly last week, leaving essential work unfinished.
Abruptly adjourning the meeting, Sol Houston motioned Samul to remain as the others rose to leave.
The disturbance last night followed one the previous night in which Mr. McCall abruptly adjourned a central board meeting when a shouting match broke out.
Judge Wells abruptly adjourns the trial in the face of this reversal.
On November 14, Mathiazhagan abruptly adjourned the house to 5 December as the DMK filed a motion to remove him from office.
The Government has shown few signs of compromise, and a tense situation grew worse last week when President Moi abruptly adjourned Parliament.