This was too much for Abner, and he stopped abruptly calling it a family history.
They would huddle around his desk as he typed; he called out to them abruptly now and then.
The band abruptly called it quits after gathering replacement musicians and recording a few demos that were never released.
When they returned they abruptly called for a vote on the original rules for debate.
Mr. Putin abruptly called the treaty's future into question.
Facing international sanctions, Mr. Milosevic abruptly called for a halt last year.
Nineteen seconds later, Calhoun abruptly called a 20-second timeout.
Crow called abruptly, not being able to stand it any longer.
He abruptly called for a retreat.
But she said the fighting continued after Mr. Mashhadani abruptly called an end to the session and the cameras were turned off.