I've got things under " The connection was abruptly severed.
The mathematician exited, and Cantrell abruptly severed his mind from the host.
The sound was strangled, a scream severed abruptly.
She rose, the tenuous sensation of comradeship abruptly severed.
Uhura's repair work must have come apart, because the communications link with Dyson was abruptly severed.
Capital and technical relations were abruptly severed.
Communication was abruptly severed before Tuvok could provide a visual, but Riker didn't need one now.
With the cord abruptly severed by his mother's death, in 1981, Costa decided to leave for New York with a friend.
Some kind of a sound, initiated and abruptly severed, similar to a gargle of pure rage, echoed in their heads.
The connection was abruptly severed.