The silence of the forest was abruptly shattered by an uncanny roar directly above them.
A cheer went up from the bridge crew as the structure abruptly shattered in three places and disappeared into the flame and smoke below.
The relative quiet of the bridge was abruptly shattered as the engineering station erupted in a shower of sparks and flame.
Leslie still thinks back frequently to Dec. 7, 1988, the day her life was abruptly shattered.
The warm moment was abruptly shattered by Leonidas.
No dream to be abruptly shattered as he had feared for so long.
He was standing beside Thora, whose dreams of a glorious return to Arkon had been so abruptly shattered.
The moment was abruptly shattered by the sound of Marianne's distinctive husky voice.
Two days of numbness abruptly shattered; Tristan let his hands curl.
His grin went crooked, like the reflection in a mirror abruptly shattered.