Peacemaker's interest in targeting data would have remained only an anomaly if he hadn't been so abruptly transferred.
After the war breaks out, he is abruptly transferred to Singapore, while she and her two young children journey to Canada to live with her parents.
In 1849 he was abruptly transferred from 'Abeih to Sidon, where he was expected to open a new mission station, preach, and practice medicine.
The previous incumbent of Martin's position was abruptly transferred back to the Artillery.
She was detained 24 days and then transferred abruptly to another, distant state.
When she began speaking out, the matter was abruptly transferred to the commissioner's office.
Unfortunately, James Chambers lent these exiles a large amount of credit, and when they were abruptly transferred away he was forced to declare bankruptcy.
Liu was abruptly transferred back to Beijing to become vice-chairman of Bank of China in May 2003.
From this measured reflection he was abruptly transferred to feelings unmeasured.
The investigating parole officer was transferred abruptly on 29 May 2007 and this hampered a speedy investigation.