He kept dribbling coffee onto his bushy beard as he absently sipped the lukewarm liquid.
Lyam sat alone, absently sipping at his wine.
Maggie had halted, absently sipping at her glass of water.
She added a little nondairy creamer, picked up the heavy cup, and sipped at it absently.
They were all slowly, absently sipping kava in coconut cups from the ancestral bowl in front of the chief.
She sipped absently at her champagne.
He sat and sipped absently on a cup of cold coffee, then his eyes drifted to a piece of company stationery: Peregrine-Osaka.
And he sat back to wait out the rest of the meeting, sipping absently at his coffee, patiently biding his time.
Montaldo absently sipped his cold coffee and won- dered why the Prophet*s words bothered him.
The admiral absently sipped at his drink, and then said, I was the victim of a coup myself.