For an instant I felt absolute despair, since my trapping in a chamber with no window egress seemed complete.
We've gone from a community where people were finally inspired to turn the schools around to absolute despair.
His lyrics stake out extremes: either absolute despair or lovestruck optimism.
The center of his life had been removed, and he was sunk in absolute despair.
Aleikon's nightmares put him inside the city itself, and Nahgharash is a place of absolute despair.
He sat on the ground with his face turned away from the fire and his shoulders slumped in an attitude of absolute despair.
He was whimpering as he ran - an animal-like sound of absolute despair.
For the first time in my short and fairly happy life I felt a sensation of absolute despair.
So did his expression of absolute despair, painful to see even among so much misery.
It was a species of madness born of intense horror and absolute despair.