He was the artist, dependent on his absolute mastery of his tools.
With this achievement your people are but two steps removed from absolute mastery of space travel.
But it definitely won't just be any day that Fernandez enjoys the kind of absolute mastery he did tonight.
He made an absolute mastery of hiding himself behind the personalities he created.
It is further noted that the battle against large formats cannot be won but with a strong determination and an absolute mastery of technique.
Mr Snow has absolute mastery over the first seven.
He waited for a second, savouring the nirvana-high of absolute mastery.
Kang is a once-human creature who holds absolute mastery over space and time.
He was a peer of the realm, a man expected to have courage both physical and moral, absolute mastery of his emotions.
No car has ever given me such a thrill to drive, or a greater sense of absolute mastery.