And, loud as the cheers for the pay raise were, the applause that greeted this announcement was absolutely deafening.
"The feedback was absolutely deafening," Khanna said of e-mails and phone calls from constituents opposing the legislation.
Over the weekend, the noise is absolutely deafening.
He would not have been surprised to find the barrier very solid and the sound beyond it absolutely deafening.
The applause and cheering were absolutely deafening, and Rasak didn't even bother to put the question to a vote.
The lack of noise was absolutely deafening.
But, here the Bigwig family fell into a state of uproar absolutely deafening.
The noise was absolutely deafening.
His followers behind joined in his merriment, and for some minutes the din was so excessive as to be absolutely deafening.
Inside, the dining room noise is absolutely deafening.