However, many journalists who talked with David Papazian confirmed that Papazian's English is "absolutely flawless"
They have to be absolutely flawless to the point where they look like prints, and that requires quite a bit of skill and energy.
The small clusters, absolutely flawless, would be quite sufficient for the larger public entertainment units that provided realistic sensual effects, Enthor told her.
Both ads are very simple, but she looks absolutely flawless.
Again, all three judges raved over Christine's entree, feeling that although she had played it a little safe, the execution was absolutely flawless.
I have a reputation in this business that's absolutely flawless.
His strange, blue skin, unlike that of the Bolians or the Andorians, was absolutely flawless.
His innings was absolutely flawless except for a chance which he gave the Indian fielders shortly before he was dismissed.
Wolverine noted to himself that X's movements, his technique, and form were absolutely flawless.
"The aspect of employing the weapon was absolutely flawless," the base commander said.