Asked about the suits by girls to get into Little League, he said, "I have nothing to say about that; that's absolutely preposterous."
The claims made for the spa waters over the years range from the plausible to the absolutely preposterous.
Mainwaring declared that the new terms of employment were "absolutely preposterous" and threatened to lead a strike.
An official at one of the banks called the accusations "absolutely preposterous."
"Michael Stearns, there is something absolutely preposterous about you being a matchmaker for your former schoolteacher."
The use of the military is absolutely preposterous.
He was thinking of someone else who had voiced to him a fear that the police might suspect "something absolutely preposterous."
A. It is absolutely preposterous the story they have put out.
A South Korean government spokesman described the preconditions as "absolutely preposterous and unacceptable".
Murphy testified that the quotes attributed to him by defense witnesses were "absolutely preposterous."