It can also absorb contaminants; removing them from the watercolumn and limiting their movement through the environment.
In the phytoremediation process certain plants and trees are planted, whose roots absorb contaminants from ground water over time, and are harvested and destroyed.
Osorb is a swellable, organically modified silica or glass capable of absorbing volatile organic compounds and other contaminants from water.
They said alternatives, including the use of plants that absorb contaminants, should be explored more fully.
Phytotreatment is an environmental term referring to the cultivation of specialized plants that absorb specific contaminants from the soil through their roots or foliage.
It consists mostly of native grasses and serves primarily to slow water runoff and begin to absorb contaminants before they reach the other zones.
Shellfish are used for the continuing study because they rapidly absorb environmental contaminants and are easy to collect and examine.
The plants continue to absorb contaminants until they are harvested.
Getters are materials that can absorb gas and contaminants after cavities are sealed.
A living plant may continue to absorb contaminants until it is harvested.