If a shortage of younger workers emerges, as many demographers expect, the job market may readily absorb more older people.
They are a multi-racial people, having absorbed both European and African people into their culture over the centuries.
Their plight represents a growing crisis for China - an inability to efficiently absorb people highly trained in Western management and technological specialties.
The duplicates have a weakness against steroids; they cannot absorb people who use them.
In Kabul, though, it is not the new talk of democracy that seems to absorb people, but the dwindling supplies of food and fuel.
The Blob itself was made from silicone, with increasing amounts of red vegetable dye added as it "absorbed" people.
With the labor camps absorbing most people on relief, this army of social workers, both amateurs and long-trained professional uplifters, was stranded.
Impractical plans absorbed imaginative people for weeks.
The ships absorb people well, and the flow is, for the most part, good, except for entrances to show lounges and in photo galleries.
In the 1400s, Pachacuti began to absorb other people in the Andes.