That level of growth is required to absorb new workers coming into the labor market and to offset the effects of increased productivity.
Korea had comparative advantage in these industries which absorbed well educated and highly motivated workers at low wages.
They had large consolidated fields and could build businesses to absorb workers no longer needed on the farm.
But fields like commercial aviation and space, long cited by proponents of conversion plans as natural businesses to absorb workers are also reducing employment.
The mills of that day had no difficulty in absorbing illiterate, unskilled workers so long as they were able and willing to submit to discipline.
The absence of an industrial sector that could absorb displaced agricultural workers and artisans led to the proliferation of services with rather low productivity.
The recovery was too soft to absorb workers coming into the labor force.
This discourages the growth of labor-intensive industries, like tourism and apparel, that might absorb excess workers.
Many companies rely on an intricate network of relationships to absorb excess workers.
But in America, which excels at absorbing new workers, other groups like the young, immigrants and women are faring much better.