The only "explanation" is an abstruse statistical theory that correlates the body-snatching with local cancer rates.
Dr. Bell is proficient in many fields of science, and has the art of making every subject he touches interesting, even the most abstruse theories.
Even the chaos-theory scientists who concoct abstruse theories about butterflies' flight prompting hurricanes agree on this point.
A profile of Center for Biological Diversity leader Kierán Suckling details his successful environmental extremism, founded oddly on abstruse lit-crit theory.
Like any ideologist, Mawdudi was not developing an abstruse scholarly theory, but issuing a call to arms.
Atomic power was abstruse theory and a single, esoteric laboratory experiment.
Accordingly, he decided not to immerse himself totally in abstruse theory.
The danger is that economists, with their infatuation with abstruse theory, neglect the hard empirical work on which public policies must depend.
There was no one with whom he could discuss these abstruse theories seriously.
Maths is a mix of abstruse theory and detailed calculations.