With gleeful grins frozen on their faces, they look absurdly happy.
For a moment, I was absurdly happy.
For a moment he stood outside the casualty clearing station in the sun and felt absurdly happy.
In spite of the general atmosphere of discomfort and danger, I felt absurdly happy simply to be near him.
She reached out to him, touched him gently on his shoulder, and was absurdly happy when he didn't brush her hand away.
Words bubbled in Jay's mind with an absurdly happy smile.
He walked on feeling lightheaded and absurdly happy, but as if he had drunk too much mead.
Ezratah felt absurdly happy, tranquil, just being here.
But in spite of, the danger, and the almost intolerable stress, she felt absurdly happy that the three of them were working so well together.
He felt absurdly happy that Felicia should be so firm in her refusal of marriage.