Ezri nodded, her head absurdly tiny in the giant collar.
Above the silk, he was naked but for an absurdly tiny iron-studded vest.
Kit, who had been steadily punching neat, absurdly tiny groups of holes in his paper targets, glanced over at Skeeter's dismal ones and grimaced.
By nightfall they were back in Marsport-nightfall being simply the disappearance of the absurdly tiny sun.
He glanced to the rear, saw the absurdly tiny head of Jehu roll.
The folded-space transporter seemed absurdly tiny to stop an object that was super-dense and moving at warp 9.99.
It looked absurdly tiny in her huge hand and not at all dangerous.
Our own planet seemed absurdly tiny by comparison.
Alex raised an eyebrow coolly, looking down on her absurdly tiny form.
King Rat's right hand held the window-frame; his left hand was locked into an absurdly tiny crack above his head.