In one case, there was no record that a young girl whose father sexually abused her for five years ever received therapy.
She and her father, who physically abused her for 15 years, filed court cases against each other.
She said that her husband had abused her for seven years.
Martok had been physically abused for nearly two years.
She also accuses him of sexually abusing her for many years.
But what do you say to one member who was abused for 10 years, several times a week?
William Cover, 31, who abused drugs for 17 years, says singing lets him express something excitingly new.
Hughes defended herself by saying that her husband had been abusing her for 13 years.
However, it has been abused for ten years now, and this is how the basic structures of Russian society have been destroyed.
Her husband was a monster who abused her for twenty years.